That is a wonderful story. I hope it is entirely true and not just another "heartwarming" fabrication that winds up doing more harm than good. People who write such things undoubtedly mean well, but when the truth comes out it undermines accounts that actually are factual in every detail.
Assuming it is a completely true account, I would offer this amazing young woman a couple of suggestions. First, take her deadbeat ex-husband to court and make him pay back child support. The way the courts are today, she should get a nice lump sum that will make life a bit more comfortable for herself and her children while also punishing the deadbeat sperm donor. He deserves it!
Second, I realize this was a Facebook posting and not a formal article submitted for publication, but since she is teaching grade school children and that probably includes English composition, she might consider geting a better spell checker and proofreading her own writing one more time. A teacher should not misuse/misspell words like "bare" and "loose." I'm sure she meant "bear" and "lose." If she used voice recognition softward to dictate the posting, that would explain the errors. There are some capitalization and punctuation errors as well, but there's no need to nitpick every apparent imperfection. I'm just saying that a teacher's writings should be error-free and set an example for her students to emulate. There are likely errors in this posting as well, but I am not a teacher and don't claim to be an exemplar for anyone.
All that aside, this amazing young lady should be heartily congratulated and encouraged in any way possible. Her courage and determination are shining examples of what a person can accomplish once he or she is freed from the shackles of superstition and blind obedience to those who presume to claim divine authority.